Shared Growth with Stakeholders
SK Innovation subsidiaries has broadened the definition of its stakeholders and looks to enhance their happiness, sharing growth through various efforts. The company will build a sustainable supply chain based on stringent ESG management over suppliers and increase CSR programs to foster a business environment promoting co-prosperity with local communities. Furthermore, we will take the lead in creating a green ecosystem, discovering and collaborating with green technology startups to address ever-deteriorating environmental issues, such as climate change and waste plastic.
Win-win with the local community
SK Innovation subsidiaries are committed to activities that contribute to the wellbeing of society, and these are pushed ahead with labor and management which are of one mind that the company should dutifully play the roles entrusted to a responsible corporate citizen. The issues of elderlies, a natural consequence of aging society, and of children with developmental disabilities who require the needs of social integration and care are considered as the key assignments to find solutions, and SK Innovation subsidiaries are currently holding various programs to create a healthier society. In 2020, with the outbreak of the COVID-19, SK Innovation subsidiaries had spearheaded the 1% Happiness Sharing Fund and volunteer works to immediately respond to issues local communities faced that were in need of urgent assistance, thereby focusing on creating a social safety net.
with Local Communities
The members of SK Innovation subsidiaries have donated 1% of their basic pay and created the “1% Happiness Sharing Fund” to raise awareness on social issues and take actions that enhance social values. The company is at the same time participating in the form of a matching grant with the same scale. As of 2021, KRW 11.73 billion has been raised, and it has been used to provide medical assistance to children with leukemia, train children with developmental disabilities, provide prosthetic legs and hands, and hold the nationwide Sanhaejinmi Plogging Campaign. The purpose is to approach various social issues the local communities are faced with and create social safety nets by discovering the blind spots in the welfare system.
Since 2004, SK Innovation subsidiaries have created the “SK Angels (1004) Volunteer Group” that is composed of its members, and the group is divided into 61 teams at the moment.
The volunteer works operate under three different themes. “Sharing Happiness and Carrying on Love” focuses on taking care of the elderlies living alone, and “Happy Dream-i” helps the children with developmental disabilities to adjust well into society. The “Sanhaejinmi Plogging” centers on protecting the environment. Moreover, other voluntary works occur depending on the needs of the local communities, such as making kimchi.
SK Angels (1004) Volunteer Group focuses on face-to-face volunteer works where they can share their hearts in the process so that these good works will not be restricted to mere economic or skill assistance. However, right now, amid the COVID-19 situation, the works are held online and focus on supporting the health and minds of the vulnerable social groups during these disturbing times. The participation rate in voluntary works reaches 100%, and it has become the proud corporate culture that earns the trust and support from society.
Carrying on Happiness with Elderlies Living Alone (Bonding)
(in cooperation with social enterprises)
SK Angels (1004) Volunteer Group
Volunteer Groups of Local Communities
Carrying on Happiness with Elderlies Living Alone (Bonding)
SK Angels (1004) Volunteer Group
Volunteer Groups of Local Communities
In July 2004, SK Innovation subsidiaries created the company-wide volunteer units, SK Angels (1004) Volunteer Group, to settle volunteer works as a part of the corporate culture. With more than 61 teams at the moment, all the members have joined all across the nation, including distribution centers in Seoul, Ulsan, Incheon, Daejeon, Seosan, and Jeungpyeong.
(61 Teams as of 2021)
Applied Music (13)
(352 people)
Applied Music (9)
(300 people)
Applied Music (9)
(314 people)
Applied Music (10)
(240 people)
Applied Music (10)
(294 people)
Applied Music (9)
Applied Music (9)
Applied Music (9)
bApplied Music (9)
Applied Music (13)
Great Music Festival
Moreover, as the number of COVID cases jumped many folds around March 2020, SK Innovation provided the Ministry of Interior and Safety with SK’s Mu-ui Institution to be used for temporary shelters for people arriving in the country from abroad. Since December, the institution has been used as the treatment center around the Seoul area by Incheon City to accommodate patients with mild symptoms. SK Innovation has not only assisted the government in its facilities but also in covering the expenses needed to keep them running. As a result, more than 7,800 patients have used the facilities and received a citation from the Ministry of Interior and Safety for its contribution to the virus prevention efforts.
ESG Performance